Changing your style transforms your inner world

You might have seen it already, but I changed my hair colour two weeks ago. 

I have dark purple hair now, and like every other hair change I've had, it's also connected to an internal change or intention. The silver colour block helped me reconnect with sides of my creativity I had forgotten. Now, I'm ready to elevate those findings and explore their mystery, potential, and knowledge.

Because what we change on the outside affects the inside. And vice versa. 

For example, post-breakup makeovers are a classic. They also tend to involve hair—because hair is such an important part of our identity. How often have you referred to someone's hair colour, style, or lack of it to identify them in a crowd?

But change doesn't have to be that drastic or noticeable to have an effect on us. 

Trying a new colour, shape, or material will change your perception of yourself, no matter how subtle. If you associate it with a quality or feeling, you will most likely be quite aware of it and notice it more than before. And embody it more than before.

The world is filled with labels trying to tell us how to act, but we are all eclectic and unique. Those small changes in the way you look will help you explore different aspects of yourself. While keeping you out of a limiting and restrictive box.

What are you excited to explore next?

[This might help!]


Weirdness is universal


Becoming blind to uniqueness