Colour analysis and emotion

For seven years, I wore only black. Head to toe. Even my pyjamas were black.

So, if you had told me back then that I would study Colour Analysis at some point, I would have definitely laughed.

Life can change so much.

When I trained as a coach, I realised that my all-black wardrobe wasn't just a preference. It was a shield. A way to hide.

That's when I started to experiment with colour.

I discovered that colour is emotion. Different shades bring out different sides of us. And for years, I had been burying and neglecting many parts of myself.

Now, I find it so rewarding to help people discover their own colour palettes. Not because I believe in rigid rules (you know I really don't), but because I love seeing people embrace colours they were once afraid of.

Like when someone tries a shade they never considered and sees how good it makes them feel.

That's why I studied colour. Not to put people into boxes but to help them explore and express themselves freely. Because while colour can be about harmony, it can also be about contrast, boldness, and making a statement.

And that's so powerful and exciting.


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