Let’s talk about identity and style
You can call it style, aesthetic, or core. But regardless of its name, it's always deeper than fashion.
Your style is not only how you dress but also the music you listen to, the way you eat, your job and career, and what you are passionate about—even what you dislike and annoys you. They are all integral parts of you.
It isn't a superficial facade but a powerful tool for self-expression. It is a way to communicate your essence and emotions—your voice in the world.
Are you ready for a little game to see how you express your identity through your style?
Let's start by opening your notes app and jotting down 5 words that best describe you. This will help you understand how you perceive yourself.
Then list the following:
What you are wearing
Your last meal
The last song you played
The colours surrounding you
The last post social media post or website you saved
Now, try to link the words you've described yourself with to what you've listed above. For example, if you've described yourself as 'adventurous', you might link it to the colours around you by choosing a vibrant colour that represents your adventurous spirit or to your last meal by choosing a dish you've never tried before.
And finally, think about if they represent a) the person you are right now, b) the person you aspire to be or c) the person you fear to be.
How connected do you feel to your identity, and how confident are you in expressing it?
Are you showing how you currently feel, or are you more focused on becoming someone else? Could it be because of somebody else's expectations or your own insecurities?
If you want you to continue exploring your identity and style, you can still get my 28-Day Journal here.