Productivity, Creativity and Weirdness

Like it or not, we live in a capitalist society; therefore, we are constantly told that we must be productive to be valuable.

This leads us to believe that we should be productive at all times. We're told to wake up as early as possible, juggle, be "busy, busy, busy," and make everyday tasks as efficient and fast as possible. To fit in more tasks.

Burnt-out becomes the badge of honour of an exemplary citizen.

That's when self-expression becomes a luxury. Or a waste of precious time that could be spent doing something that leads directly to money, external recognition and uniformity.

That's also why leaving parts of ourselves behind is so easy, like our creativity.

In the past few months, I've had numerous conversations with people who yearn to reconnect with their creative passions—music, photography, drawing, writing. They all stopped when the pressure to be constantly productive took over (college and work being the most common culprits), and now they feel a void in their daily lives. A sense that something important is missing.

In a world that values conformity, embracing your weirdness can be the key to finding your inner happiness and freedom. A rebellion against a society that only sees worth in what you produce, not in who you are.

Creative expression is unique to each person and is influenced by our experiences, beliefs, personalities, and emotions.

Allowing space for creativity will make you feel less like a number and more like a human. And discovering ways to express yourself can do more for your well-being than ticking items in a never-ending to-do list (or mindless scrolling!).


My Creativity Journey


Feeling Okay Not Fitting In