Weirdness and belonging

Humans are social, and that makes us want to belong. To find our tribe. 

It's completely normal to want to be part of a group -we want to find other people who share our interests, who we can relate to, who feel like us. 

However, in our desire to belong, we can forget who we truly are and instead focus on moulding ourselves into what we think we should be. 

And that's when we start hiding our weirdness. 

Hasn't it happened to you that you suddenly connect over something randomwhen you are talking with someone you seem to have nothing in common or just making small talk?

That's the magic of weirdness. 

We can feel embarrassed to show what makes us different, but those differences are key to finding our tribe. 

Embracing your quirks will help you connect with the people who accept you fully, weirdness and all.

And hiding your weirdness to pretend to be who you think you should be will keep telling you you aren't enough. 

And you are enough.

[And a unique and weird mix of things!]


Feeling okay not fitting in


Your wardrobe tells a story